1. All the characterization data are provided to the users only for research and development purpose. These data cannot be used for certification or legal disputes.

  2. Separate samples of requisite quantity and morphology should be submitted for different analyses depending upon the type of measurements. Samples will not be analyzed unless the payment is received by USIC.

  3. Radioactive materials, and other hazardous compounds are not accepted for any analyses.

  4. External users may come in person for performing the analysis or they may send application performa, samples and payment receipt in the sealed envelope.

  5. External research scholars and post-docs have to submit the scanned copy of their applications/performa duly forwarded by their supervisor or Head/Chairperson of Department concerned.

  6. The user charges are payable in advance by online through USIC website https://usic.du.ac.in

  7. User charges paid only through online mode and are non-refundable.

  8. Sample submission & Payment Process: Once the application is submitted, the in-charge will verify the details and approve the request.

  9. External users must wait for the approval from the in-charge before making the payment and submitting the samples to USIC. Once approved the payment should be made by the user in the website mentioned in point number 6. The payment transaction details need to be submitted online before the measurement.

  10. The details pertinent to charges for the measurement and contact details of in-charge are available at https://usic.du.ac.in

  11. External users must make payment including the applicable GST charges (@18%). Request received without GST charges analysis/measurements will not be performed.

  12. It is desirable that measurement/analysis work done using USIC facilities should be acknowledged in the resulting publication/thesis.